NetWorth Explained (NWE) is the world’s only publication transparently showing you the detailed presumptions, over 2400 calculations and the 36 variables used to determine a person’s net worth. Only NWE gives you the ability to critically analyze the numbers without relying on blind faith because of our freely accessible mathematical proof (“an inferential argument showing the stated assumptions logically guarantee the conclusion”). Our educated estimate is drawn from public data, backed by thorough analysis and explained step-by-step.
NWE also writes unorthodox articles on business and life from a fresh perspective, often revealing the errors behind conventional wisdom.
There isn’t a single website showing exactly how somebody’s net worth is calculated. Even well known magazines never disclose their exact methods, which means their answer would get an F in a high school math class for failing to showing proof. Instead, they claim to use a “proprietary algorithm.” Math is not proprietary. It's simply a code word for made up numbers and an excuse that shields them from any criticism. Showing you all the variables used behind the scenes demonstrates how bogus it is to make net worth estimates without also revealing all of the factors that went into that calculation. Since when is simple math a secret?
Some even credit “insider knowledge,” which is completely unfeasible. An accountant or attorney leaking privileged information to the press would land in prison and lose their license along with any future job prospects. The consequences are so severe that no professional would ever consider it for any monetary gain as it amounts to career and reputational suicide.
Sensationalism, dishonesty, intellectual dishonesty, lazy reporting, biased coverage and opaqueness is at an all time high and I wanted to play a part in changing this.
I am an avid learner, analytical thinker and entrepreneur based in the US. My mission is to make the world a more honest place and for NWE to influence the media to be more truthful, transparent and logical. Reach out @NWExplained.