Installing Half-tiled Walls is a Tremendous Mistake

Half-tiled bathrooms and kitchen backsplashes are not just an eyesore but a representation of a half done job. Half effort, half baked, half complete. It looks as if someone started a project but never finished it. It's tragic because you forget what little money you saved but you are constantly reminded of the sacrifice you made.

"The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten." - Benjamin Franklin

A bathroom wall that is covered from floorboard to ceiling always look better than one that is only half covered. The same goes for kitchen backsplashes that abruptly end half way. If you can't afford a stone or mable finish, then consider using tiles or wallpaper. Just don't leave it as a blank white wall or a half-tiled wall. And don't forget about covering your ceiling!

So whatever you are going to do in life, go all the way and give it your best. Don’t be half-tiled. Create a full-tiled wall you can be proud of.

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